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Department of Architecture

Department of Architecture

Article 26

The following tables pilot hours of lectures and theoretical and practical exercises and approved and written examinations show as well as the percentage distribution of grades for each course of courses during the five study levels each level of the Department of Architecture Institute.

Level (zero) of the Department of Architecture (all sections Institute)
(%) Distribution of grades First semester
Editorial Practical Filled year Hours exam Cr. Practical Training Lecture Course Title Course Number
70 30 3 3 3 2 Mathematics 1 BA111
60 20 20 3 3 2 1 2 Physics 1 BA112
70 30 3 3 3 2 Mechanics 1 BA113
60 20 20 3 3 2 1 2 Chemistry for engineers BA114
60 20 20 2 3 2 1 2 Introduction to Computing CE115
70 30 3 3 2 2 English first HS116
(%) Distribution of grades Second Semester
Editorial Practical Filled year Hours exam Cr. Practical Training Lecture Course Title Course Number
70 30 3 3 3 2 Mathematics 2 BA121
60 20 20 3 3 2 1 2 Physics 2 BA122
70 30 3 3 3 2 Mechanics 2 BA123
60 20 20 3 3 2 1 2 Production technology ME124
50 50 3 3 3 2 Engineering Drawing and drop AR125
70 30 2 3 2 2 English 2 HS126
Level (1) of the Department of Architecture
(%) Distribution of grades First semester
Editorial Practical Filled year Hours exam Cr. Practical Training Lecture Course Title Course Number
50 50 6 4 6 1 Architectural drawing AR211
70 30 2 2 2 Zerah and History of Architecture 1 AR212
70 30 3 3 3 2 Building Technology 1 AR213
70 30 3 3 3 2 Studies visual 1 AR214
70 30 3 3 3 2 Construction Theory CB216
60 20 20 2 3 2 2 Words Coordinator HS216
(%) Distribution of grades Second Semester
Editorial Practical Filled year Hours exam Cr. Practical Training Lecture Course Title Course Number
50 50 6 4 6 1 Architectural Design 1 AR221
70 30 2 2 2 Theory and History of Architecture 2 AR222
70 30 3 3 3 2 Building Technology 2 AR223
50 25 25 3 3 3 2 Computer drawing robot AR224
70 30 3 3 3 2 Visual studies 2 AR225
60 20 20 2 3 2 2 Writing technical reports HS226
Level (2) of the Department of Architecture
(%) Distribution of grades First semester
Editorial Practical Filled year Hours exam Cr. Practical Training Lecture Course Title Course Number
50 50 6 4 6 1 Architectural Design 2 AR311
70 30 2 2 2 Theory and History of Architecture 3 AR312
70 30 3 3 2 2 3 construction technology AR313
60 20 20 3 3 1 2 2 Space CB316
60 20 20 3 3 2 1 2 Construction and testing of materials CB317
70 30 2 3 2 2 Engineering and Technology HS316
(%) Distribution of grades Second Semester
Editorial Practical Filled year Hours exam Cr. Practical Training Lecture Course Title Course Number
50 50 6 4 6 1 Architectural Design 3 AR321
70 30 2 2 2 Theory and History of Architecture 4 AR322
70 30 3 3 3 2 Electrical installation in buildings EE323
70 30 3 3 2 2 Law and construction contracts CB326
70 30 3 3 3 2 Reinforced concrete CB327
70 30 2 3 2 2 Metal structures CB328
Level (3) of the Department of Architecture
(%) Distribution of grades First semester
Editorial Practical Filled year Hours exam Cr. Practical Training Lecture Course Title Course Number
50 50 6 5 6 2 Architectural Design 4 AR411
50 30 6 4 4 2 Executive designs 1 AR412
70 30 3 2 1 2 Mechanical installations of buildings ME413
70 30 3 4 2 3 Introduction to Regional Planning AR414
70 30 3 3 2 2 Optional 1 DECISION AR415x
(%) Distribution of grades Second Semester
Editorial Practical Filled year Hours exam Cr. Practical Training Lecture Course Title Course Number
50 50 6 5 6 2 Architectural Design 5 AR421
50 50 6 4 4 2 Executive 2 designs AR422
70 30 3 3 2 2 Interior Design AR423
70 30 3 3 2 2 Health and Environmental Engineering CB423
70 30 3 3 2 2 Optional 2 Career AR425x
Elective Course 2 (one of the following courses) Elective Course 1 (one of the following courses)
Course Title Course Number Course Title Course Number
Introduction to Urban Design AR425 (1) Architectural criticism AR415 (1)
Computer Applications in Architecture AR425 (2) Specifications, quantities and costing AR415 (2)
Level (4) of the Department of Architecture
(%) Distribution of grades First Semester
Editorial Practical Filled year Hours exam Cr. Practical Training Lecture Course Title Course Number
50 50 6 5 6 2 Architectural design 6 AR511
50 50 6 5 6 2 Executive designs 3 AR512
70 30 3 4 2 3 Elective Course 3 AR513x
4 8 Project AR522
(%) Distribution of grades Second Semester
Editorial Practical Filled year Hours exam Cr. Practical Training Lecture Course Title Course Number
70 30 3 4 2 2 Landscape Architecture AR521
50 25 25 6 12 Project AR522
70 30 3 4 2 3 Elective Course 4 AR523x
70 30 3 4 2 3 Optional decision of 5 AR524x
Elective Course 4.5 (Rapporteurs of the following courses) Elective Course 3 (rapporteur of the following courses)
Course Title Course Number Course Title Course Number
Computer graphics and methods of output AR523 (1) Local and contemporary architecture AR513 (1)
The history and theories of urban planning AR523 (2) Research and program development AR513 (2)
Protection and preservation of heritage AR524 (1)
Feasibility and costing studies AR524 (2)
Decisions of the Institute of the Department of Architecture Requirements
Prerequisites Credits Course Title Course Number
3 English first HS116
HS116 3 English first HS126
3 Words Coordinator HS216
3 Writing technical reports HS226
3 Engineering and Technology HS316
By 8333% 15 Total credit hours
Decisions of the Institute of the Department of Architecture Requirements
Prerequisites Credits Course Title Course Number
3 Mathematics 1 BA111
3 Physics 1 BA112
3 Mechanics 1 BA113
3 Chemistry for Engineers BA114
3 Introduction to Computer CE115
BA111 3 Mathematics 2 BA121
BA112 3 Physics 2 BA122
BA113 3 Mechanics 2 BA123
3 Production technology ME124
3 Engineering Drawing and drop AR125
By 16.666% 30 Total credit hours
Decisions of the main specialization of the Department of Architecture Requirements
Prerequisites Credits Course Title Course Number
AR125 4 Architectural drawing AR211
2 Theory and History of Architecture 1 AR212
3 Building Technology 1 AR213
3 Studies visual 1 AR214
BA113 3 Construction Theory CB216
AR212 2 Theory and History of Architecture 2 AR222
AR213 3 Building Technology 2 AR223
AR125 3 Computer drawing robot AR224
AR215 3 Visual studies 2 AR225
AR222 2 Theory and History of Architecture 3 AR312
AR223 3 Knulogia construction 3 AR313
BA121 3 Space CB316
3 Construction and testing of materials CB317
AR312 2 Theory and History of Architecture 4 AR322
BA112 3 Electrical installation in buildings EE323
3 Law and construction contracts CB326
CB315 3 Reinforced concrete CB327
CB315 3 Metal structures CB328
BA112 2 Mechanical installations of buildings ME413
AR321 3 Interior Design AR423
3 Health and Environmental Engineering CB423
By 32.77% 59 Total credit hours
Specialization decisions of the Department of Architecture Requirements
Prerequisites Credits Course Title Course Number
AR211 4 Architectural Design 1 AR221
AR221 4 Architectural Design 2 AR311
AR311 4 Architectural Design 3 AR321
AR321 5 Architectural Design 4 AR411
AR323 4 Samemat executive 1 AR412
AR322 4 Introduction in regional planning AR414
AR411 5 Architectural Design 5 AR421
AR412 4 2 executive Samemat AR422
AR421 5 Architectural Design 6 AR511
AR422 5 Executive Samemat 3 AR512
AR321 3 Landscape Architecture AR521
3rd Level 10 Project AR522
By 32.22% 58 Total credit hours
Discretionary decisions of the Department of Architecture
Prerequisites Credits Course Title Course Number
3 Monetary architect AR415 (1)
AR221 Specifications, quantities and costing AR415 (2)
AR322 3 Introduction to Urban Design | AR425 (1)
AR224 Computer Applications in Architecture AR425 (2)
4 Local and contemporary architecture AR513 (1)
Research and program development AR513 (2)
AR224 4 Computer graphics and methods of output AR523 (1)
AR322 The history and theories of urban planning AR523 (2)
4 Protection and preservation of heritage AR524 (1)
Feasibility and costing studies AR524 (2)
Increased by 10.0% 58 Total credit hours
Specialization decisions of the Department of Architecture Requirements
Percentage Credits Course Title
8,333 15 Institute Requirements
16.667 30 General basic requirements
32.778 59 Main specialization requirements
42.222 76 Requirements Specialization + optional
100 180 Total
  • Date :Monday March 2nd, 2015
  • By : admin
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